Article Archive 5
On the contrary. I hold (without appeal to revelation) that when we take a view of the is impossible for the human mind not to perceive and feel a conviction of design consummate skill, and indefinite power in every atom of its composition...We see, too evident proofs of the necessity of a superintending power to maintain the universe in its course and order...
Thomas Jefferson
What could be more fundamental to science than the assumption that the explorability and thereby the cognizability of reality arises due to its bearing the handwriting of its author? God speaks the language of his creation, and our spirit, which is likewise his creation, is able to perceive it, to hear it, to comprehend it.
Christoph Cardinal Schonborn
Thomas Jefferson to John Adams vii 281 1823
Jefferson Cyclopedia, Foley 1900
- Updated September 2017:
- Web Master
- Bristol, Southwest Virginia Revealed
- Science & Technology
- 2017 Website Updates & Deletions
- Hobby Electronics
- US Constitution
- Christianity 101
- Religious Themes
- Deism Mainpage
- A Broad Exploration of Deism
- Voltaire's Legacy of War on American Values
- How Voltaire's Atheism Overthrew Deism
God and reason:
- Cult of Reason and Robespierre
- Isaac Newton and Arianism
- Isaac Newton's God
- French Enlightenment overrated, historian says
- Thomas Jefferson's Letters on Foreign Affairs
- Unitarianism in America
- Tocqueville Essay
- Channing Interview
- Channing and Unitarianism
- Unitarian Christianity
- Unitarianism, an overview
- Two Presidents Who Were Unitarians
- William Ellery Channing
- Militias in Disarray
- Tim McVeigh and Christian Identity
- What Christian Identity thinks of Baptists
- Khazars and the Jews
- Debunking the Protocols
- Willie Martin
- Randy "Ruby Ridge" Weaver Christian hero in Sullivan County
- Christian Identity: A Religion for White Racists and Jew Bashers
- Far Right Militia Goes Too Far
- A Killing in God's Name
- Militias Take Aim in VA
- Early Life of Tim McVeigh
- McVeigh's Former Commanding Officer Breaks Silence
- Christian Identity: a Christian Response
- Dogma of Christian Identity
- History of Christian Identity
- How the militia movement undermines separation of church/state.
- American Militant Extremists
- Paranoia as Patriotism: Aryan Nations
- Randy Weaver gets the boot in Vegas
- Nicene Creed and the Truth about the Trinity
- The Non-Messianic Genealogy of Jesus
- Christian or cult? Mormons, Baptists slug it out online
- Judaism is not a Race
- General Contradictions in the New Testament
- Crucifixion-Resurrection Chart
- Jerry Falwell Sues State Virginia for More Tax-Free Property
- Martin Luther and the so-called "Reformers" Anabaptist' view of Calvin/Luther
- Fundamentalists Declare War on Liberty
- Churches Seek Right to Back Political Candidates
- Intolerance and the Christian Right
- All Those Christian Presidents
- Vatican Official Claims Illness Caused by Sin
- Why Fundamentalists are Living on Borrowed Time
- Moore makes a case against his monument
- The Pagan Payoff
- Virginia Senate panel kills Ten Commandments bill
- Which Creation Biblical Story?
- Ten Commandments bill wins preliminary approval
- Jesus' Outlook on the Ten Commandments
- Prophecy of Virgin Birth according to Judaism
- Who is a "real" Christian?
- Board to appeal ruling to end Bible classes
School Prayer:
- Prayer Protest in Scott County
- Prayer protest in Kingsport: Rule of Law Verses Mob Rule
- See You at the Flag Pole
- Case Against School Prayer
- Sullivan County Tennessee Closing and Consolidating Schools
- School starting time change causes uproar in Bristol, Tennessee
- The negative impact of kids working to pay their bills
- Sitgreaves 'Burger' comment aimed at lack of white-collar jobs in Tri-Cities
- Tenn. high schools leave many students behind
- Tennessee's students still not making the grade
- Students' knowledge of civics, history appalling
Political insanity:
- Divided Justices Back Full Arrests on Minor Charges (scary!)
- Freedom of the Press under attack in Tennessee
- Big Stone Gap approves curfew for minors
- Dancing Banned in Pound, Virginia
- Pound Dancing Ban Update
- Changes in World Economy on Raw Materials May Doom Many Towns
- ING-USA on Bristol/Tri-Cities
- The Washington Post Exposes the Grundy Fiasco
- Unique new $300 Million Taxpayer Funded Wal-Mart Opens in Grundy, Va.
- Grundy Virginia and the $200 million Bridge to Nowhere
- History of the Grundy Virginia Flood Control Project
- Taking a Closer Look at Gnosticism and Christianity
- Gnosticism as explained by Bishop N. T. Wright
- Alexander, the Jews, and Hellenism
- More on Alexander the Great, the Jews, and Hellenism
- Hellenistic Period After Alexander
- Alexandrian Philosophy and Judaism - Jewish Encyclopedia
- Platonism and Christianity
- Allegorical Interpretation