See Dissecting Deism Past and Present
A Broad Exploration of Deism
See my introduction page Exploring Deism Its Origins and History by Lewis Loflin.
Below are a list of articles on this website related Deism and similar subjects. In my view the term is often abused and very vague, often representing hostility towards revealed religions such as Judaism and Christianity. I invite the reader to explore the many views of Deism and draw their own conclusion pro or con.
I also encourage the reader to explore the many facets of evolution at my Evolution Versus Creationism Archive.
Lewis Loflim
- Fear and Loathing of Islam is not Islamophobia
- Scientific Case for a Transcendent God
- In Defense of Classical Deism
- Environmentalism is Still a Religion
- French Deism: deistic Humanism, Pantheism
- The English Deists: Introduction
- Is it Unitarianism or Deism?
- Islam to Deism
- Deism versus Islam
- Blackstone's View of Natural Law
- Existence of Deity/God by Thomas Jefferson
- Founding Fathers Religion Debate and Poll
- The Founding Fathers Speak Out on God, Religion
- On Thomas Jefferson and Religion
- Deism in America
- Was Thomas Jefferson a Deist?
- The Founding Fathers Were Not Christians or Secular Humanists
- Jefferson on the Morals of Jesus and Deism
- Thomas Jefferson and Peter Carr
- Thomas Jefferson: Deist or Christian? Debunking Dr James Kennedy
- The Jefferson Bible
- Thomas Jefferson's Wall of Separation
- Thomas Jefferson's Letters on Liberty and Religion
As Ben Franklin noted in a letter to Ezra Stiles in 1790 (Salisbury, Dorothy Cleaveland. "Religion: As the Leaders of this Nation Reveal It." Daughters of the American Revolution Vol.106 (1972), page 541.) what American Deism is all about:
Here is my creed. I believe in One God, the Creator of the Universe. That he governs it by his Providence. That he ought to be worshipped. That the most acceptable Service we can render Him is doing good to his other children. That the soul of man is immortal and will be treated with justice in another life respecting its conduct in this. These I take to be the fundamental principles of all sound religion.
- Deism in America
- Quakers and Deism
- Deism Fastest Growing of Top Twenty Religions
- Catholic Encyclopedia: Deism
- Deism by Richard Hooker
- Deception of Deism
- Deist Minimum
- Natural Law and a Nihilistic Culture
- Reasonable Science, Reasonable Faith
- Was Washington Really a Deist?
- God of Abraham and the Enemies of "Eurocentrism"
- Left vs Right, Montesquieu, Corporatism
- Another Look at Religion in America 2008
- Comparison between Deism and Christianity
- Eastern Roman Empire and Islam
- Philosophies of Islam, Greece, and the West by Turgut �zal
- Example of Islam and science.
- Maimonides Versus Aristotle and the Jews of Spain, Thirteen Rules
- A Handbook on the History of Modern Science
As Ben Franklin noted in a letter to Ezra Stiles in 1790 (Salisbury, Dorothy Cleaveland. "Religion: As the Leaders of this Nation Reveal It." Daughters of the American Revolution Vol.106 (1972), page 541.) what American Deism is all about:
Here is my creed. I believe in One God, the Creator of the Universe. That he governs it by his Providence. That heought to be worshipped. That the most acceptable Service we can render Him is doing good to his other children. That the soul of man is immortal and will be treated with justice in another life respecting its conduct in this. These I take to be the fundamental principles of all sound religion.
An interesting e-book on Rousseau entitled Rousseau and the Real Culture War by David Heleniak can be downloaded for free at To quote, "In his examination of Jean-Jacques Rousseau's Second Discourse, David Heleniak contends that libertarians are the heirs of the Greco-Roman pagans and the "modern pagans" of the Enlightenment, conservatives are the end product of the Christian doctrine of original sin, and the American Left is the consequence of the doctrine as transformed by Rousseau." I've read this and highly recommend it.
English Deism
- Is it Unitarianism or Deism?
- The English Deists: Introduction
- The English Deists: Lord Herbert of Cherbury, Founder
- The English Deists: Matthew Tindal (redefined)
- The English Deists: Henry St. John Bolingbroke
- Information on John Locke (Unitarian)
- John Locke on reason and faith.
- The English Deists: Thomas Hobbes
- The English Deists: Charles Blount
- The English Deists: John Toland
- The English Deists: Morgan, Annet, Middleton
- The English Deists: Shaftesbury, Mandeville, Dodwell, Bolingbroke
- The English Deists: David Hume (atheist?)
- At the Origins of English Rationalism
French Deism
- The French Deists: Voltaire
- Voltaire a History
- Deism Depicted (Voltaire) by Tracy Van Pelt
- The Religion of Voltaire: He was an atheist, anti-Semite, hated Islam
- John Adams Denounces Voltaire's anti-Semitism
- Voltaire's Deism
- The French Deists: The Encyclopedists
- Left vs Right, Montesquieu, Corporatism
- French Enlightenment overrated, historian says
- The Age of the Enlightenment
- The Enlightenment
- Quick Overview of the Enlightenment
- Enlightenment thought of 18th-century Europe and America.
- Socinianism - A forerunner to Modern Pantheism
- Panentheism versus Pantheism
- The French Deists: J. J. Rousseau
- Romanticism, Rousseau, and Primitivism
- Rousseau: An Interesting Madman
- Rousseau and the Revolt Against Reason
An interesting e-book on Rousseau entitled Rousseau and the Real Culture War by David Heleniak can be downloaded for free at To quote, "In his examination of Jean-Jacques Rousseau's Second Discourse, David Heleniak contends that libertarians are the heirs of the Greco-Roman pagans and the "modern pagans" of the Enlightenment, conservatives are the end product of the Christian doctrine of original sin, and the American Left is the consequence of the doctrine as transformed by Rousseau." I've read this and highly recommend it.
- Evolution debate in schools
- Creationism Teacher Is Told to Stop
- An evolving controversy
- Evolution, the early church, and Islam
- Islam Versus Deism
- Left vs Right, Montesquieu, Corporatism
- Eastern Roman Empire and Islam
- Philosophies of Islam, Greece, and the West by Turgut Ozal
- Example of Islam and science.
- Maimonides Versus Aristotle and the Jews of Spain, Thirteen Rules
- Handbook on the History of Modern Science
- Pelagius and why he was right
- Islam Versus Judaism and Christianity
- Islam to Deism: Why I became a Deist
Web site Copyright Lewis Loflin, All rights reserved.
If using this material on another site, please provide a link back to my site.