Byzantine Empire 555AD
Exploring Religion Modern and Ancient 1
There is a great deal of material on this site in regards to religion, in particular subjects related to rational monotheism and the Bible. Because Christianity was a product of the Hellenism Alexander the Great would be a good place to start taking another look. The later Roman Empire as such never "fell" in 479 AD, it merely changed form, a process going back a few centuries.
"We can not command religion, for no man can be compelled to believe anything against his will."
Historical Jesus versus Apostle Paul. Paul was a powerful Roman citizen, not a mere Jew. His agenda was to undermine the Jews and extend Roman power. His new cult placed Rome over mankind.
So-called Prophet Mohammed May Never Existed. Mohammed by tradition died around 632 A.D. There are no references, writings, etc. The earliest known writing that refer to him date around 750 A.D. His alleged revelations are taken from mostly the Jewish Talmud, Christians, and Zoroastrians.
On the topic of Judaism and Zoroastrianism see Judaism Meets Zoroastrianism.
- Murdering Mother Hidden Face of Honor Killing
- Book Review Tom Kratman's Caliphate
- Mythical Prophet of Early Islam
- When Christianity Pushed Back Muslim Attacks
- Islam the Demise of Classical Civilization
- by Will Durant
- Christian, Jewish, Zoroastrian Sources of the Koran
- Koran: Form
- Mohammed in Mecca: 569-622
- Mohammed in Medina: 622-630
- Mohammed Victorious: 630-632
- Islam and Science
- Bacon is not a Hate Crime
- Deist Examination of Islamic Trinity
- Chronology Early Islam Historical Perspective
- Mythical Golden Age of Islam
- Koran Origins by Ibn Warraq
- Why Muslims Can't Build a Lightbulb
- Mohammed the Man Islamic Ideology
- Exploring Religion Modern and Ancient 1
- Among the Goths and the Jews
- Overview Byzantine-Eastern Christian Empire
- Byzantine-Persian Conflict
- Religion in the Persian Sassanid Dynasty
- Eastern Roman Empire by Turgut Ozal
- Jews versus Arabs
- Who did what for Israel in 1948? America Did Nothing
- Jewish Refugees of 1948
- Ex-Mufti, Criminal Ally of Nazis
- United Nations Documents Palestine 1921
- Testimony on 1937 Palestine
- Who is an Arab Jew? by Albert Memmi
- Arabs in the Holy Land - Natives or Aliens?
- Middle East Christians not all Arabs
- Arabs or Not Arabs Factual Overview
- Why did the Apostles Reject Paul?
- Russian Orthodox Churches in Saudi Arabia?
- What Tore Early Christianity Apart?
- Modern Deist Manifesto Based on Classical Deism
- Evolution Debate Rages On in Bristol
- Environmentalism is Religious in Nature
- Debunking the New Atheists
- Atheists Challenge 5
- Pointing Out Facts to a Christian Conservative
- Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day
- C.S. Lewis on Evolution
- Questions from Steve on Deism
- Questioning Separation Religion-State
- Christian Orthodoxy and Creationism
- Maimonides Versus Aristotle, Jews of Spain
- Where the Bible meets the Big Bang
- Socinians Their Rationality
- New Age Religion
- Demiurge Creator of the World
- Gnosticism Primer
- Zoroastrianism
- Christian Original Sin
- Christian Trinity
- Jesus the Man
- Pelagius Heretic was Right
- Apostle Paul Founder Christianity
- Apostle John
- John Calvin
- St. Augustine
- Martin Luther
- Unitarianism
- Christianity
- Judaism
- The Devil
- Deism
- Pantheism
- End Times
- Paganism
- Fundamentalism
- Evolution
- Scientific Case for a Transcendent God
- In Defense of Classical Deism
- Obama's Science Teacher Training Initiative Politicized Science
- Fear and Loathing of Islam is not Islamophobia
- Islam Versus Deism
- Left vs Right, Montesquieu, Corporatism
- Eastern Roman Empire and Islam
- Philosophies of Islam, Greece, and the West by Turgut Ozal
- Example of Islam and science.
- Maimonides Versus Aristotle and the Jews of Spain, Thirteen Rules
- Handbook on the History of Modern Science
- Pelagius and why he was right
- Christianity 101 Revealed
- Debunking the Khazar Jews Anglo-Saxon Israel Myth
- Why Jews Are Not a Race
- Questions on Christian Anti-Semitism
- Did Jews Kill Jesus Christ? No They Didn't
- Christian Identity A Religion for White Racists
- Christian Identity Dogma of Hate
- Christian Identity History of Hate, Irrationalism
- Deist Critique Gospel of Mark
- Gospel According to St. Mark
- Jesus the Jew by Jonathan Went
- Is Deism advocated in the Bible?
- Deist Masons are Jewish
- Controversial sayings from Martin Luther
- Heresy of Luther Reformation Undone
Most notable were the "barbarians" were not like what we often make of the word today. They didn't destroy everything and in fact were Christians!. They were Arian Christians and in fact acted more civilized in many respects than Rome and the Catholic Church. Two great men express my view and that of this website: As Theodoric the Great viewed religion,
"We can not command religion, for no man can be compelled to believe anything against his will."
- Where the Bible meets the Big Bang
- Which Creation Story?
- Which Creation Story? Another view
- Evolution debate in schools
- Creationism Teacher Is Told to Stop
- An evolving controversy
- Evolution and the early church, and Islam
- Isaac Asimov Science and the Bible
- Christian Orthodoxy On Creationism
- Christian Right Lobbies To Overturn Second Law Of Thermodynamics
- Ancient Underwater City Found Off India: Archaeologists to Rewrite History
- Explorer Finds Evidence of Life Before Great Flood
- Science and Religion in Sullivan County Schools
- Middle school student suspended for harassing teacher about religion
- Parent says suspended student meant no harm
- Suspension deserved, Follow school policy, and Two fallacies Opinions
- Confusion about science at heart of incident Editorial
- Know what you disagree with on evolution
- TDOE lawyer dispels myth regarding religion in schools
- Not in conflict, Not persecuted, Founders' beliefs, No idols, Insulting God, and more
- A Handbook on the History of Modern Science
- Why fundamentalists are beyond reason.
- Introduction to the Scientific Method
- Scientific Method
- Topics on Religion and Environmentalism
- Gnosticism as Explained by Bishop N. T. Wright
- Deist Critique of the Gospel of Mark
- Religious Syncretism and Christianity
- Classical Deist' View of Religion and Its Application Today
- Taking a Closer Look at Gnosticism and Christianity
- Thoughts on Theistic Evolution and Deism by Lewis Loflin
- My Answer to a Secular Fundamentalist by Lewis Loflin
- Separation of Pseudo-Religion and State
- Environmentalism Religion or Political Philosophy?
- Why Christian Morals Need to be Rejected
- Alexander, the Jews, and Hellenism
- More on Alexander the Great, the Jews, and Hellenism
- Hellenistic Period After Alexander
- Alexandrian Philosophy and Judaism
- Platonism and Christianity
- Demiurge Creator of the World
- Allegorical Interpretation
- Hellenism and Its Influences on Judaism in Alexandria
- Historical Jesus FAQ by Jorn Barger
- Overview Hellenistic Judaism
- History of Christianity in Egypt
- Christian Gospels a Christian Overview
- Zoroastrianism and Judaism According to the Jewish Encyclopedia
Quoting Thomas Paine:
I believe in one God, and no more; and I hope for happiness beyond this life. I believe the equality of man, and I believe that religious duties consist in doing justice, loving mercy, and endeavoring to make our fellow-creatures happy.
Quoting Thomas Jefferson:
On the contrary. I hold (without appeal to revelation) that when we take a view of the universe...it is impossible for the human mind not to perceive and feel a conviction of design, consummate skill, and indefinite power in every atom of its composition...We see, too evident proofs of the necessity of a superintending power to maintain the universe in its course and order...
Quoting Christoph Cardinal Schonborn:
What could be more fundamental to science than the assumption that the explorability and thereby the cognizability of reality arises due to its bearing the handwriting of its author? God speaks the language of his creation, and our spirit, which is likewise his creation, is able to perceive it, to hear it, to comprehend it.
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