
School Violence Versus Political Correctness

by Lewis Loflin

According to something called the Center for Public Integrity Virginia students (meaning blacks) are referred to police and court systems more than in any other state. Gov. Terry McAuliffe came up with an initiative titled "Classrooms not Courtrooms" to try to get a handle on the problem - while ignoring the problem.

The problem once again is low-achieving non-Asian minorities chiefly blacks. Mr. McAuliffe sees it as school resource officers and school officials are simply out to jail and discriminate against black and mentally retarded students.

See Suspending Criminal Blacks Not Racism

To quote the good governor, "The disproportionate use of school discipline on African-Americans and students with disabilities is totally unacceptable here in Virginia." But what are you going to do about the massive levels of family breakdown, violence, and dysfunction that shows up in the schools?

Just how violent and disruptive do the students have to be before they are removed from the school system? How much more chaos do failing minority dominated school systems have to endure just to make white liberal politicians feel-good?

In other words Mr. McAuliffe is coming down on school resource officers and law enforcement for the problems generated by these low-achieving blacks. He says, "Too many of our students (meaning you know who) are suspended and expelled instead of staying in that classroom. We cannot have our schools viewed as hostile environments where children are branded as criminals."

But what if the criminals in training kill someone Mr. McAuliffe? What are you going to do when the next feral black teenager kills somebody, go out and demand more gun control for law-abiding citizens?

Ref. Richmond Times Dispatch October 31, 2015.

In further signs of societal breakdown the Bristol Herald Courier (Oct. 18, 2015) is reporting a massive uptick in drug addicted babies. The Lynchburg Treatment Center in Lynchburg Virginia is at the forefront of this problem.

Virginia hospital discharge records shows cases of neonatal abstinence syndrome (NAS) have exploded. To quote the article Virginia hospital discharge data shows cases a NAS rising from 88 in 1999 to 493 in 2013. They also claim that a quarter of 2009's preventable deaths were connected to maternal or caregiver drug abuse.

This problem has been around for years and is growing and will show up in our schools sooner or later - no it's already here and will Mr. McAuliffe tries to make a race issue out of it?

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