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Philadelphia Mayor Speaks Out on Black Lawlessness

by Lewis Loflin

The recent black mob attacks on whites across the county are only a small part of the massive black crime wave that has swept the nation. In Virginia blacks account for almost two-thirds of all violent crimes in particular black males at about 10 percent of the population. Whites in particular refuse to speak up about this problem and instead fall back on the old worn out excuse of poverty, etc. Most poor people in Virginia are not black but white.

The exception to this silence is Mayor Nutter of Philadelphia, who is black. In an interview with Lou Dobbs on Fox I watched Dobbs interview Mayor Nutter who refused to accept excuses for the violent racists attacks on whites in his city in addition to the crime problems caused by young blacks. Dobbs sat there with the typical white guilt and political correctness as Mayor Nutter stood his ground.

On August 8, 2011 in the www.philly.com noted the following at Mount Carmel Baptist Church, in West Philadelphia where Mayor Nutter was met with applause from the many good black people there:

Addressing the "butthead" youths who've been mobbing Center City and the "sperm donors" who've passed for their fathers, Mayor Nutter thundered from the pulpit of his church yesterday in uncharacteristically fiery remarks.

"You've damaged yourself, you've damaged another person, you've damaged your peers and, quite honestly, you've damaged your own race," he said. "If you want... anybody else to respect you and not be afraid when they see you walking down the street, then leave the innocent (white) people who are walking down the street minding their own damn business. Leave them alone."

Nutter's 30-minute sermon in front of a white-robed choir invoked rousing applause from the packed house at Mount Carmel Baptist Church, in West Philadelphia, where he's been a member for 25 years.

The only problem was that the median age of the congregation appeared about four times that of the 11- to 19-year-olds who have randomly accosted Center City pedestrians this summer in large groups of mostly black youths...

Further on in the Lou Dobbs interview Nutter noted that these useless parents needed to spend some "quality time" in jail with their children they let run wild. By this point Dobbs was going into cardiac arrest and was desperate to end the interview and go to a commercial.

Nutter did avoid the fact the victims attacked on his streets by so-called "flash mobs" have been white and that there should be hate crime charges filed against these "butthead" youth. He has imposed curfews to fight the problem.

As I see it black Americans must regain control of their communities and tell all the white liberal social engineers and those constantly expressing unfounded "white guilt" to take a hike. Black churches such as that Mr. Nutter spoke at must reassert its traditional role in the black community and lead the people as they did through the era of segregation.

Until they do that, the black community will continue to be a lost cause. Humanist social engineering doesn't work here in Appalachia and it sure the hell doesn't work in Philadelphia.

I'd vote Mayor Nutter for President over all the idiots in both parties.


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